Monday, August 17, 2009

Reporter says Jindal should intervene

LFT's position in the flap over State Superintendent of Schools Paul Pastorek is gaining traction in the news media.

To recap, some organizations have called for Superintendent of Education Paul Pastorek to resign. Or for Governor Jindal to fire him. Or for the Board of Elementary and Secondary education to fire him (see here, here, and here).

As we've noted before, Pastorek isn't going to be fired. He has the support of the governor and BESE. That makes the dispute a sideshow, a distraction as teachers, children and parents struggle with back-to-school issues.

Associated Press reporter Melinda Deslatte weighs in on the dispute in this opinion column. After noting that Pastorek "has lawmakers calling him arrogant, school board members lambasting his policies and education groups calling for his ouster," Deslatte acknowledges that he is aggressive and "in-your-face."

She also knows that it is unfortunately unlikely that Gov. Bobby Jindal will step in and resolve the dispute. But she closes on a note of common sense:

However, an intervention of sorts might be needed so the disputes don't
create a stalemate that renders Pastorek ineffective or stymied as

LFT President Steve Monaghan summed it up in his letter to Jindal: "The
last thing our children need at this moment is a bitter feud between the
superintendent of education and the organizations that represent teachers and
school boards."

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